Workplace Analysis

We take time to understand your organisation’s culture and values, as well as its people, processes and workflows. The result is a workplace that supports your business and everyone working in it. The information retrieved and collated can be utilised to introduce new ways of working and provide a business case for property related decision making.


A well designed workspace can be the catalyst that transforms how your organisation operates, collaborates and performs. From its physical landscape to its aesthetic appearance, we will navigate you through all aspects of your workspace transformation to create an environment that’s inspired, effective and compliant.

Furniture Consultancy

We select and specify all aspects of your task and social furniture, right through to the smallest accessory items, carefully considering everything from aesthetics to practicality. We provide experienced, impartial advice to select the right products, organise showroom tours and guide you through the procurement process to ensure you get both quality and best value for money.

What can we do for you?

Whether you’re moving into new premises, managing the impacts of the pandemic, fluctuating head-counts, implementing a change management programme or just need a refresh, we can guide you from start to finish. We can provide you with all the support you need to make confident decisions and positive action that’s right for your business - both today and in the future.